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Simple Balloons

Simply Hop Away

Simple One

Do you want soar above the grounds and escape daily routine or maybe you want to see beautiful landscape of your home country? If the answer is yes, then this product is for you. We offer an aircraft which has three main elements.

It is 900 m3 size balloon made from Light Polyester fabric, this technology choice, gives you light weight, that helps with fuel consumption, additionally gives you the light transportation bag. With this product you can forget about the trailer because it will simply fit in a back of your car.

Seat - is built from stainless steel frame, the ergonomic solutions of materials allows you to collect weight and save fuel at the same time, additionally our team made sure that materials for a seat makes flight sitting position comfortable, and allows you to operate aircraft with accessible manner. One slot for propane cylinder allows you to have 60l propane on board, that will prolong your journey thru the clouds. 

Simple Two

Romantic occasion, maybe best friend birthday, or maybe you just can not imagine flight without companion? We have a solution for you. We offer an aircraft which has three main elements:

It is 1200m3 size balloon that gives you more load capacity that means- more fuel and one more friend by your side. Balloon is made from Light polyester fabric, this technology choice, gives you light weight, that helps with fuel consumption, additionally gives you the light transportation bag. With this product you can forget about the trailer because it will simply fit in a back of your car.

Seat - is built from stainless steel frame additional reinforcements and different design allows to have Pilot and one passenger on board. The ergonomic solutions of materials allow you to collect weight and save fuel at the same time, additionally our team made sure that materials for seats makes flight sitting position comfortable for you and your passenger and allows you to operate aircraft with accessible manner. Two slots for propane cylinders allows you to have 120l propane on board, that will prolong your journey thru the clouds with your companion. 

Burner - has been developed by international hot air balloon pilots and constructors, with that we achieve key values for a burner: Accurate power ratio that helps you control your ascend/descend rates, construction design that helps to create better fuel efficiency and last but not least- burner has been developed for easy maintenance, that would give our clients freedom from high maintenance charges.



Scroll: Maintenance


It is aviation we are talking here, with that being said maintenance should be one of key elements for your safe journey thru the clouds. With simple balloons, the maintenance is not challenging, and user is able to maintain vital parts of hot air balloon to unsure his and passengers safety with instruments that can be found at your house. 

However, we all have questions about fixing things, because remember, the most important thing is to have fun while being safe, if you have raised suspicion, call us or write us an email and we will guide you.

Additionally, you need to show your aircraft for an annual inspection also after 100 hours of flying an aircraft. A Visual inspection would be performed by LAA certified Inspector, who would conclude the state of an aircraft and advise you on future usage. Inspection takes a few moments from your free time and guarantees safety standards.

Pilot Training

A little exam never killed nobody. It is true, you need to have licence if you want to fly any aircraft. We have created special school for our project that will give basic knowledge for operating an aircraft and get you in the pilot seat- strong and ready. Also, we are balloon pilots and enthusiast, so the time will not last to long with our great pilot school team.

Scroll: Contact us

Contact us

Meet our competent team and give us a ring if you have an idea or you are interested in the project. Communication is the key to our success.

Martin Motyka

E: motyka@kubicekballoons.cz
T: +420 604 102 559

About us

Simple Balloons is a first producer of a new category of ultralight hot air balloons managed by LAA (Air amateur association of the Czech Republic). Reliability, affordable price, easy maintenance and simple training, that's what Simple Balloons is all about.  

We produce the following models

Simple One – only for a pilot (900 m3) | Simple Two – for a pilot and one passenger (1 200m3

Thanks to Simple Balloons, now you can simply hop away.